
Dark Flames- Chapter 11

Deviation Actions

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Chapter 11- Crash Landing

“Shields at full power!” Robin shouted. Suddenly a loud bang sounded and the ship rocked. “95 percent!” He shouted again. “Are the shields going to hold out?” Blackfire asked. “I hope so, Blackfire. I hope so.” Zapto replied. As the words were leaving his lips, there was another volley of blaster fire and the ship rocked again. “86 percent!” “We need a new plan or we will surely be vanquished!” Starfire shouted. “I’m thinking! Let’s see… Robin, what are the odds of us escaping their blockade?” Zapto asked. “Not good. They have us completely surrounded.” Robin replied. The ship rocked again and Zapto got a bit of inspiration. “Well we’ll try anyways! Give me the movement controls.” Zapto took the wheel and tried a maneuver that would surely kill them all. He swerved in between two enemy ships in a desperate attempt to break free. All the while, the shield’s power was under siege as it decreased with each blaster shot. Zapto was almost free when he made a deadly mistake: A new ship appeared from the planet’s surface. It was much bigger than the other ships and had three lethal words written on the side: Metal Sonica’s Vessel. It fired two large blue blasts from its front. The bolts hit Zapto’s ship and all the power was instantly paralyzed. “What happened?” Robin and Starfire asked. “Metal Sonica’s ship just shot two ion charges at us. They are designed to disable all power on a ship.” Zapto explained. “Then we’re going down!” Blackfire shouted. She was correct and the shocked starship got caught in the planet’s gravitational field. It was being pulled in and was rapidly headed for a collision with the planet’s surface. “Do something Zapto!” Blackfire screamed. “I’m trying to regain control… there! We have power! It’s too late to stop the collision, but I’ll try to land somewhere where we can survive. Arggh!” The controls sparked and a familiar face appeared on the screen. “Have a nice landing, Zapto! Though it will be difficult with no control over your ship. The master will be pleased! Ha ha ha!” The transmission ended after some of Metal Sonica’s cackling. “Everyone brace for impact!” Zapto yelled. There was an explosion and the ship and surrounding ground burst into flames.


“Master, I did as you commanded. Their ship has just crashed in the White Dragon Mountains. There is no way they could have survived.” Metal Sonica said to the transmission screen. “Very good, very good. And if by some miracle they do survive?” Vaati answered. “I will put Jinzo on full alert. If they reach the city, He will annihilate them.” Metal Sonica replied. “Good. You’ve done your work. Report to Sectors 2 and 3 and make sure all is well there.” “Yes master.” Metal Sonica ended the transmission, set his course, and made the jump to hyperspace.

On the planet’s surface…

Some time passed and the smoke cleared to reveal the mangled remains of Zapto’s ship, The Thunderbolt. From among the ruins there were a few groans and Zapto emerged from the rubble. “Blackfire? Robin? Starfire? Is everyone alright?” He asked. There were a few more groans and the latter three also came up from the ship’s debris. “Yea we’re fine.” Robin said. “But where are we?” The two sisters asked. “I’m not sure. My planet is covered in mountains. We could be anywhere.” Zapto replied. “I guess if we start walking in any direction, we might find a city eventually.” Blackfire suggested. They agreed that that was there best option and began walking in a random direction. It was eerily quiet; the only sound to be heard was the adventurer’s voices. They kept walking until they heard some rocks fall nearby and footsteps other than their own. “Who’s there?” Robin shouted. They stood listening for a moment and then a man in a white flowing cloak came sliding down from a hill. He had brown hair and brown eyes. He had a blue shirt and silver pants on with a necklace of what appeared to be a trading card around his neck. “So Zapto, you’ve returned.” He said. “Kaiba! Is that really you?!” Zapto yelled. “Yes, it’s me. I was here looking for those beasts, but I’ve never expected to see you again.” “Is that where we are? That means that the capital isn’t too far away.” “That’s right. What happened to you? And who are these people? Never mind. We need a safer place to talk. Things have changed since you left. Come with me.” Kaiba motioned for them to follow. “Who is he?” Blackfire asked. “I’ll explain everything later. For now, we should follow Kaiba. I trust him.” They followed the man named Kaiba through the mountains until he abruptly stopped. “There is a secret trapdoor hidden here.” Kaiba blew away some dirt and rocks and sure enough, a small metal door was there. “Go inside. I’ll follow after I shut the door.” And so Zapto, Blackfire, Robin, and Starfire all went down into the hole where hopefully they would be safe for the moment.
Another character for the books! This time it's Seto Kaiba from Yu-Gi-Oh. If you've been liking these cameos, you'll really like the next chapter. It's gonna rock!

Chapter 12- [link]
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